Submission Guidelines

Draft Papers

The workshop follows a double blind review process. Please make sure that submitted papers are anonymized, i.e., contain no author names or obvious self-references.

Papers can be up to 8 pages long in the IEEE conference template. If you need more space, save it for the journal version!

Paper submission is done through the EasyChair system.

Industry experience talks

If you want to give a longer industrial experience talk send your proposal to sos-agile(at)




Accepted papers will be published in the Cyber Science proceedings, and will be submitted to IEEExplore.

Journal publication

Distinguished papers presented at the workshop will be invited for fast-track consideration of extended versions in a special issue of International Journal of Systems and Software Security and Protection (IJSSSP) ISSN: 2640-4265 (formerly known as International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (ISSN 1947-3036)).

Camera Ready

Accepted papers will be given guidelines for preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance.